Online multidisciplinary journal
1 January of 2007
Marimón Llorca is
a Spanish associate professor at the University of Alicante. She has
conducted research works on rhetoric and discourse and, overall, on
several aspects of textuality. She has been the director of Spanish
Studies at the official master “Español e ingles como L2/LE” (Spanish
and English as an L2/LE) at UA where she teaches Grammar. She is a
collaborating professor at Instituto Cervantes for ELE teachers’
training and she gives courses on Methodology, Grammar and Discourse
analysis. Marimón is editor at journals such as Acta Universitaria (University of Guanajuato) and CIRCULA (University of Sherbrooke). She is also a member of the editorial board at ELUA
and of Instituto Universitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas (IULMA)
which works on specialty languages. With IULMA she has managed and
taught numerous seminars and courses. Marimón is currently a principal
researcher in the project I+D 2019-107265GB-I00 (2020-2024) "El
columnismo lingüístico en la prensa española desde sus orígenes.
Análisis multidimensional, caracterización y aplicaciones”
Among her publications we can find: Análisis de textos en español. Teoría y práctica
(2008), “Hacia una dimensión crítica en la Enseñanza de español como
Lengua extranjera: la Competencia Comunicativa Intercultural Crítica
(CCIC)”, Santamaría-Marimón-Martínez (2015): Diccionario del turrón, LID; RESLA, 29 (2016). Marimón-Santamaría(eds.) (2019) Ideologías sobre la lengua y medios de comunicación escritos. El caso del español,
Berlin, Peter Lang; Marimón (ed.) El columnismo lingüístico en España
desde 1940. Madrid, Arco/ Libros, "“Un Diccionario no debe taparse los
ojos ante la realidad”. Metáforas sobre la lengua e ideología en el
columnismo lingüístico académico", TEP, 6(3)(2020)